Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Results - Survey Into Zombie Demographic

I carried out my research with the survey and managed to ask a total of 30 people and notably they were of different age groups but all knew of zombie-themed media. The exception was the younger audience as many of them are too far below the recommended viewing age.

The Results:
1) The majority of people who took part in the survey were 13-25 years old which certainly corresponds with the idea of a teenage/young adult demographic. There were older participants and interestingly they seem to resonate more so with Romero Style zombies and Traditional ones (as I will discuss soon).

2) The majority of people (60%) would like to see a zombie comedy however the next highest result was the Zombie-Action genre, so it is likely I will include some elements of Action.

3) Seemed to also be a relatively even in terms of how many were fans of zombie themed media. However, the majority said 'Yes' they like zombie themed media. Notably these tended to be the younger demographic as I hypothesized prior.

4) The most popular preference was the Romero Style zombies (slow moving brain eaters) which is understandable given the sway his films have had on the genre; this option gained 18 tallies however the rest of the options were more evenly split.

5) Perhaps the strangest question on the survey but it came up as a 50/50 divide in terms of who or who wouldn't consider a friendship with a zombie. The reason I asked this question is not simply due to its ridiculous nature, it was to show public opinion on zombies. Understandably, people would be wary given that zombies are (in media) murderous creatures however in a real life scenario, how would they be treated? Additionally what if the word zombie was replaced with another group that are portrayed as violent in the media (i.e. Muslims)?

6) I am pleased to see that the majority of people would be interested in this premise, it is one I would certainly like to explore in detail as I believe it has potential to be quite effective in showing the prejudice society seems to have on 'violent cultures', simply based on how those cultures and groups of people are portrayed in the Media.

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