Thursday, 19 November 2015

Video - Continuity

We were tasked with producing a short video, focusing primarily on continuity and maintaining it throughout the video. I have organised a video titled (appropriately) as Continuity; I produced a storyboard and script myself, recruiting actors and operating the cameras on my own. The audio was recorded on a phone and I was able to place it close to the actors for the sound to be clear, the phone being out of frame due to the computer monitors.

I used Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 for editing, the music used is Two Finger Johnny by

Continuity Project from Eughan Wooding on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Visually, you have managed to cover all three areas of continuity - 180 rule is clearly met, action match works well (although I wish you'd made more of the "flash drive") and the shot/ reverse shot is effective (although slightly more variety in setup would be interesting - you should aim for more of a range of shots). The audio is more of a problem - you can barely hear the dialogue - and this is something to consider when you create your final piece.
