I found continuity to be an issue, with both scenes being shot on different days, as Number 2 (Daniel Bennett) is wearing a different shirt in both scenes and in the Int. scene, he does not have a hoodie – however this was due to the fact that light was coming in through the window and I wanted a quick solution.
I feel that it is a good video given that it is my first
major attempt at video editing, audio and scouting for a specific script. A
large challenge was the audio as I could not record it to a clear quality
throughout; I recorded nearly an hour of audio as I recorded it as a single
piece – whereas it’d be more efficient if I only recorded during the acting
scenes rather than the recording session on a whole. I could potentially record
things in post too, getting actors to rerecord their voices.
I don’t feel that certain shots work well in the second scene, it may be in my best interest to storyboard a project fully before shooting the scenes. The clips don’t merge
well or flow nicely; the first scene seems to maintain a nice flow and the use
of the audio seems to help, perhaps I should include some faint music during
the acting scenes if a build-up and continuation of tension is required (which
in this case, it was). I still stand by the choice of locations and actors as I
feel they fit the script well.